DEMO Account============Mobile : 9361886446OTP : 000000Cloud software with silo weighing system is capable of delivering precise analysis and reports of a poultry farm. With the aim of providing quality report on time, Farmers can easily access reports and analysis through mobile or computer from anywhere in the world. For any poultry farming business to thrive, there is need for proper monitoring, reporting & analysis. These tools are vital in the poultry farming. If you want to experience return on investment (ROI) on your farming business, you need to have a healthy and accurate data reporting and analysis records of your flocks. They are indispensable if you want to enjoy success. The analysis and charts provided can help you to easily identify underperforming flocks and take action on addressing the issues promptly.Features========1. Calculate HDP (Hen Day Production), both cumulatively and week by week, and compare it to breed standards to determine how well or how poorly it is performing.2. Calculate the mortality rate and compare it to the breed standard to determine if the animal is performing well or poorly.3. Calculate the daily feed intake and compare it to breed standards to determine whether the animal is performing well or poorly.3. Determine the feed consumption per egg and compare it to breed standards to determine whether it performs well or poorly.4. Calculate the mortality rate and compare it to the breed standard to determine if the animal is performing well or poorly.5. Using the inputs of feed cost and egg price, calculate ROI (Return of Investment per Bird).6. Access to all analyses, reports, and performance of each flock at end of the dayRoles Based Operations======================1. Choose to restrict reports viewing, analysis & add new entries and have control to assign to employees2. Assign the task of adding production entries through their mobile phone every day to supervisors or employees with separate login.Charts======1. To see all weeks performances, use a line or bar chart. 2. Simply compare performance with 10 other flocks